A blog/portal of web sites and things of interest to Monty

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

And the dual boot winner is......Kubuntu

Well after bouncing back between Mandriva 2008.1 Spring and Kubuntu 8.04 for most of a week I went ahead and pulled the trigger, installing Kubuntu as a dual boot beside Win XP. I really want to try Mandriva out and will find a machine for it eventually but for now Kubuntu won out. My newest PC in the house runs Mythbuntu (MythTV + Xubuntu) and I am really wanting to try to get this laptop to act as a front end/player for the Mythbuntu back end/server and I figured it would be easiest if I kept it in the 'buntu family so to speak.

The truth of the matter is though, after a few days of Kubuntu being available, I don't find myself using it all that much. So far Win XP is a champ on this machine. Firefox3 is humming along just fine, OpenOffice is taking care of all of those needs. This evening I did some free-wifi surfing at Panera Bread inside of Hotspot Shield's VPN, something I could not have done with Kubuntu or any other Linux distro that I know of.

So for now, Monty's D410, although technically dual-boot, is mainly a Win XP machine. If I get the MythTV under Kubuntu things may change and the Linux side of the machine may start pulling equal time.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

How Could I Forget: System Restore

Well I was reading through some old threads on NotebookReview.com Forums, trying to decide if I needed to do a system reinstall to get the D410 back the way I liked it before, before the multiple accounts. I'm reading along there and had a V-8 moments, "I could have done a system restore!" Well I wasn't sure that I could do a system restore to fix something as big as establishing an administrative user account but it was worth a shot. So the first restore point before the episode was Sunday night so that's what I went for. Five or so minutes later and a restart and I am right back to where I was at before. Just one user, no selecting a user on start up and the Intel PROSet Wireless working perfectly again! Woohoo! Looks like no harm done and everything is good with the D410 again.

Next step...dual boot, think it is between Kubuntu 8.04 and Mandriva 2008.1 Spring. Stay tuned!
