Well after only one missed delivery attempt, the big brown truck successfully delivered my D410 to me yesterday about 6PM. Much to my wife's displeasure, I neglected the lawn that was in great need of attention (it did get mowed before dark though) and immediately took a steak knife to the packing tape on the box. My first surprise upon opening the box was an as new black nylon Dell carrying case that was just the right size for the D410. I was expecting to have to go find a case for it as it wasn't listed as an included item. On the plus side I now have a case for it, on the minus side it feel like it weighs almost as much as the D410. At least I can be a little more leisurely about finding the perfect case for it now. Under the case was the nicely protected D410, power supply, external CD drive (yep, the D410 comes with no optical drives onboard) and a small pile of CDs that I'll never use except for possibly the system restore disk. As this is a used machine I was prepared for a few little dents and dings, hopefully nothing too bad but when you buy used you expect a few blemishes and this did have a little of that. The little rubber track point in the keyboard showed a little wear and that was it, otherwise this machine looks like BRAND NEW! Woohoo!!! OK, to be honest, I just held the machine up to some sunlight and I can see a tiny bit of wear on about a 3rd of the keys but you have to really look to find it. I could not find a single mark on the case, no smears or scratches on the screen, the pointer pad looks like it has never been touched. I am absolutely thrilled with the physical condition of this machine!
If you want to review the general specifications there is a great review of the D410 with pictures here (click picture to go to review)

So far this couldn't have been a better choice. Not sure if my experience is typical but if you want to check out the used computers available from DFS Direct Sales you can follow this link http://www.dfsdirectsales.com/
Experience setting up the machine for use to follow.
Thanks! Monty
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